Friday, March 13, 2009

Interactive Design - The Connection Between Human and Product

Interactive design, also known as interaction design, is a field of study that revolves around the behavior of systems and products on the basis of how the user interacts with it. This discipline usually focuses on complex technology such as systems software, mobile devices and other electronic devices. An interaction designer puts the users goals and experience as a priority and analyzes accordingly to the usability and affective influence.

An interaction design aims are to minimize the learning curve and improve on productivity when performing a task. This becomes necessary when technologies become too complex for their target audience. With this motive, it rewards the user with more satisfaction and efficiency and reduces frustration when using the product/system.

The first step in creating an interaction design is to research and understand the target audience needs and design correspondingly to meet and even exceed them. Questions like ‘What are the users’ tasks and goals?’ and ‘How do users think the product/system should operate?’ come into account and become apart of the success of the product. Only by involving regular users of the product/system will the designer be able to properly modify and maximize intuitiveness. With users being a crucial part of a product’s development, consumers gain a sense of ownership thus being more satisfied with the end product. 


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